Seattle, WA, models strategies for equitably advancing safe walking and biking for youth

School Street at Genessee Hill Elementary School. Source: SDOT.
In 2022, the city of Seattle received the National Center for Safe Routes to School’s Vision Zero for Youth Leadership Award for taking bold steps to reach zero pedestrian and bicyclist serious injuries and deaths among children and youth. The award committee particularly noted the City’s work in creating a racial equity vision specifically for its Safe Routes to School Program; using a comprehensive approach to managing speeds; creating School Streets and Stay Healthy Streets that prioritize people rather than cars; and assuring that every elementary and middle school student receives walking and biking safety education every year. Since 2014, there has not been a child under 18 killed while walking or biking on Seattle’s streets.
Read more in our case study for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center.
Watch a recap of the award presentation (3 minute video).